
I look at the date of the last post on this blog and I am filled with shame.  I’ll get over it though, because like the herpes virus, I am always lurking just below the surface, ready to flare up at a moments notice.  So here is another podcast for your personal edification.  The antibiotics were not effective.

Podcast 11-9


I’m not going to do a podcast this week.  Just too many things to do – the meth won’t smoke itself, after all (maybe if I snorted it instead…oh well, whatever).  I am still hoping for a future in which a minor league radio podcast get posted consistently every week.  So, in lieu of a podcast, here is a general blog post about some of the things I am thinking about:

Why is it racist to want some control over who comes in to the country?

Media bias – It’s real…it’s damn real.  I just watched Charlie Rose and Erica Hill from CBS news go after Tim Pawlenty over Mitt Romney’s tax returns from 10 years ago.  Does it really matter?  Romney’s a rich guy.  Name me one president who wasn’t.  Where is this same passion when it comes to the fast and furious inquiry?  A border patrol agent is actually dead, and it looks to me like President Obama is helping to cover it up.

Why do I not care about “The Dark Knight Rises”?  I actually had raging nerd wood when “The Dark Knight” came out.

I can’t wait to see Louis C.K. live in October.  The man is one of the giants of comedy, right up there with Carlin, Cosby and Prior.

I wish I lived in Egypt, where I could join with my Muslim brothers in chanting “Monica” at Hillary Clinton, followed by a nice goat soufflé.  I bet I’d smell like a man, too.  There I go, judging again.

Reshma Shetty = The hottest girl on TV.

Even if I could afford a hooker, I wouldn’t have the faintest idea where to start looking for one.

When I was ten or so, I would often go to the local drug store in the downtown area of my hometown and read comic books.  After 30 years, I am reading comic books again – thanks Robert Kirkman.

Speaking of reading, I recommend:  “Not Taco Bell Material” by Adam Carolla, “Still the Best Hope” by Dennis Prager and “The Thomas Sowell Reader” by Thomas Sowell.

“Breaking Bad” is back – yessssssss….

“Big Brother” is back – nooooooo….

I suppose that’s enough for now.  No promises, but I will try like hell to get a podcast up next week, but if not, you’ll get another rambling missive like this one.  These are truly heady days…


Jim Gardner


There’s a reason…

…that I haven’t done a new podcast in over two months.  Several, actually and now you can listen for yourself as I whine and grovel about my busy life. Diligently pursued a goal, and it paid off.  I pontificate on Obamacare.  I also go off  on Eric Holder and the Democrats, who have really been pissing me off lately.  Bottom line, the minor league radio podcast is back, a little like that infection you thought was gone…




Ok, so no podcast this week.  I got laid up hard by a nasty cold/flu type thing – and I don’t mean a “eewwww, I have the sniffles” type of cold, but instead a ” OMFG!!! I have the sniffles, a screaming headache, and various colors of bile coming from every orifice!”  type of cold.  TMI?  Probably, but I thought I’d share nonetheless.  Look for a new podcast this coming Monday, where I will have some cool things to talk about, along with the best analysis of the news and pop culture of anyone on this website.   Have fun!

So Close…

In my quest to get one podcast a week out, I seem to be getting locked into a pattern of getting one out every ten days.  I did delay this one a day because I went to see “The Hunger Games” last night, and I wanted to give my thoughts.  So here is the latest edition of the Minor League Radio Podcast – listen and obey!  Some thoughts on distracting technology, Columbian hookers, Ted Nugent, the GSA.  Tune in, and become a hoarder of the mind…

Podcast 4-25-2012

Back on Schedule?

Well. It’s been more than a week, but much less than a month since the last podcast.  I guess that means things are getting back to normal.  Prick up thy ears and enjoy as I continue to push the boundries of mediocrity to thier limits.  Wrestlemania, Treyvon Martin, The worst movie of the year (so far), and other things.  Cheers.

Podcast 4-5-2012


Epic Fail

Well, it’s a good thing to set goals.  Not so good to fail miserably at meeting said goals (see my previous post).  Oh well, as I heard MMA great Fedor Emelianenko once say “the man that does not fall, does not stand” – so onward and upward.  Here’s another podcast to distract you from using your time in a useful manner.  As always, you can subscribe at iTunes, and feel free to leave comments.  Happy listening!

Podcast 2-23-2012





Better late than never

Hello all.  It is a personal goal of mine to have at the very least, one new podcast a week up for your listening pleasure.  Real life kept me real busy this past week, so I was unable to meet my goal.  After a good, cleansing cry, hunkered down in the fetal position in my closet, here it is, a new podcast – just my little contribution to society’s eventual downfall.  Thoughts on the Superbowl, the middle east, and getting dissed at the bar.  Enjoy!

Podcast 2-9-2012



Podcast the second

Hello, all!

Here is my second podcast.  I want to thank everyone who listened and all who left comments.  Please feel free to comment below, or fire off an e-mail to me at jim@minorleagueradio.com .  Tell me how awesome I am, or voice your profound disapproval at my very existence.  I have thick skin, I can take it.  I have big plans for this website, and some exciting things are coming so check back frequently.  Soon you will also be able to get the podcast on iTunes as well.  Thanks for listening!

Podcast 2012-1-24


My first podcast

Welcome to the home of the minor league radio Podcast.  I know the website is a snoozer right now, but a real blog and lots of other tasty morsels are in the works.  For now, enjoy the podcast, which will be the backbone of minor league radio content.  One more thing – while I wouldn’t exactly call the material in the podcast adult, I would definitely use caution letting the younguns’ listen, as I don’t censor myself.  Happy listening.

Podcast 1-18-2012