
I’m not going to do a podcast this week.  Just too many things to do – the meth won’t smoke itself, after all (maybe if I snorted it instead…oh well, whatever).  I am still hoping for a future in which a minor league radio podcast get posted consistently every week.  So, in lieu of a podcast, here is a general blog post about some of the things I am thinking about:

Why is it racist to want some control over who comes in to the country?

Media bias – It’s real…it’s damn real.  I just watched Charlie Rose and Erica Hill from CBS news go after Tim Pawlenty over Mitt Romney’s tax returns from 10 years ago.  Does it really matter?  Romney’s a rich guy.  Name me one president who wasn’t.  Where is this same passion when it comes to the fast and furious inquiry?  A border patrol agent is actually dead, and it looks to me like President Obama is helping to cover it up.

Why do I not care about “The Dark Knight Rises”?  I actually had raging nerd wood when “The Dark Knight” came out.

I can’t wait to see Louis C.K. live in October.  The man is one of the giants of comedy, right up there with Carlin, Cosby and Prior.

I wish I lived in Egypt, where I could join with my Muslim brothers in chanting “Monica” at Hillary Clinton, followed by a nice goat soufflé.  I bet I’d smell like a man, too.  There I go, judging again.

Reshma Shetty = The hottest girl on TV.

Even if I could afford a hooker, I wouldn’t have the faintest idea where to start looking for one.

When I was ten or so, I would often go to the local drug store in the downtown area of my hometown and read comic books.  After 30 years, I am reading comic books again – thanks Robert Kirkman.

Speaking of reading, I recommend:  “Not Taco Bell Material” by Adam Carolla, “Still the Best Hope” by Dennis Prager and “The Thomas Sowell Reader” by Thomas Sowell.

“Breaking Bad” is back – yessssssss….

“Big Brother” is back – nooooooo….

I suppose that’s enough for now.  No promises, but I will try like hell to get a podcast up next week, but if not, you’ll get another rambling missive like this one.  These are truly heady days…


Jim Gardner


There’s a reason…

…that I haven’t done a new podcast in over two months.  Several, actually and now you can listen for yourself as I whine and grovel about my busy life. Diligently pursued a goal, and it paid off.  I pontificate on Obamacare.  I also go off  on Eric Holder and the Democrats, who have really been pissing me off lately.  Bottom line, the minor league radio podcast is back, a little like that infection you thought was gone…